Whatever is a truth or simulacrum but I like it very much


In  that the way breath turn-over in the moments of your separation.
But that's the  life that moment the scents from your neighborhood!
 Frankly I think and remember our memories better than you.
Because when you meet  we will be separate in a few moments.

truth or simulacrum

But Your Memories never wants to remove from my heart.
Your Memories give me a freshness in my life. Your Memories is My breath.
Your Memorize will secure every second elapse from my life.
This dream is a truth or simulacrum appear to reveal the eye?

truth or simulacrum
I don't know.
Whatever is a truth or simulacrum but I like it very much.
 But as a whole Artifacts You are imbued.
People say that a nap incomparable gift of Nature.

truth or simulacrum

Insomnia is a disease,but if i got your memories than insomnia will become yoga for me.
nd without your dream sleep is curse for me
Your gluten fragrance have been flooded in environment.
I sleep with your memories
Just take your dream!  the same dream
It has become my breath

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