Love can be taken away from you and it happened to me


Love can be taken away from you

When you love someone that doesn’t love you, it’s never an accident and never some random selection.

 It’s so easy to have faith and trust the process when everything’s falling into place in your life, but to have faith and supreme trust when you can’t find any evidence that you should, this is when you know “love" is real; this is when you know it can’t be taken away from you by anyone or anything.

 Authentic love cannot possibly feel, disappointment, resentment, rejection, or fear. 

Love can be taken away from you

There is no way that love can ever hurt you. 

Now please understand, I’m not saying you haven’t been hurt, but what I am saying is, it wasn’t love that hurt you.

What might have started out as love turned to fear when we emotionalized the rejection.
You would not emotionalize the rejection if you didn’t agree with it.

The reasons for our actions either render them authentic, or counterfeit.

Love can be taken away from you

We deserve to have security and we deserve to be loved, but when we love someone “because" we want these things, it is not authentic, but a counterfeit version of love. Does this make sense to you?

 When you love, solely for the pleasure of loving, you must have everything, but if you love to have everything, you just destroyed authenticity. 

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