Love is as delicate as glass; once broken it can be fixed, but there will always be cracks.


Love is as delicate as glass

Love is patient, love is kind,
And what our loves express is true.
No amount of tragedy can tear
Or break the love I have for you.

Time has healed our many wounds,
But has not erased the memory.
But we'll hold on, we'll stay together.
We will get through this, you and me.

Though we are young and still learning
About ourselves, our world today,
In my heart, I'll always love you,
And in my heart you'll always stay.

As days go by, as time progresses,
We will change, mature, and always grow.
But as we grow, as we reminisce,
There is one thing I will always know.

My love for you will never falter,
Never cease, for it's always true.
With love comes patience, but it's worth the wait,
To share my unending love with you

Love is as delicate as glass

I've seen lovers going mad 
deciding a gift for their beloved 
be it a special day the world celebrates 
or just the day that graces her coming of age 
"do I have enough bucks to buy her a present...?" 
Or else a friend is all I need to please...." 
little do they know.... 
Sometimes all a girl needs is a super squeeze...! 
"Been to all the haunts asked all my buddies… 
Could she take this home?? 
So, a big no to the cuddling teddies... 
Oh man! I'm just worth sporting a shrug... 
Little do they know.... 
Sometimes all a girl needs is a tight hug...! 
Flowers, chocolates, bangles or the perfume she adores... 
Posters, wall-clock, lingerie- gosh! 
How could I think of this?? 
Little do they know... 
Sometimes all a girl needs is a wet kiss...! 
Seen it all, done it all 
still haven't managed anything special for my doll... 
So what's the way out?? 
No. It's not a dove... 
Sometimes all a girl needs is everlasting love.

Love is as delicate as glass

If I could catch a Rainbow 
I would do it just for you 
And share with you its beauty 
On the days when you are feeling blue. 
If I could build a mountain 
You could call your very own 
A place to find serenity 
A place to be alone. 
If I could take your troubles 
I would toss them into the sea 
But all these things I am finding 
Are but impossible to do for me. 
I can't build a mountain 
Or catch a rainbow by far 
But let me be what I know best 
A lover thats always gonna be

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